
Pictures from Past Events

October 5, 2012 Uncategorized Leave a comment

Here’s Suzi setting up the stage for an author event at Barnes & Noble in Pickerington, Ohio. She presented the “MolarTron & Friends! Starring LUCY TOOFY” book to a group of pre-schoolers for Story Time. They were so cute!

FREE COMIC BOOK DAY at Comic Town on Morse Rd., Columbus, Ohio. That’s Suzi’s mom and business partner, Gloria.

This is Suzi and the official MolarTron announcer, DJ Greg Moebius! You can hear his voice in our video introduction, and you will also hear him on TV as soon as our flossing PSA is aired! Whoooo hoooo!! Go Greg!
Suzi got to meet the author of the ARTHUR book and cartoon series during the summer of 2012, the one and only Marc Brown! Of course she had him sign the book called: ARTHUR’S TOOTH!
Suzi and I are at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, for their Grand Re-Opening, Summer, 2012. This was the very first time I made a public appearance on Earth! Wow! The new hospital is AMAZING! Everything state-of-the-art! The staff was great and I gotta send a big shout out to REACH OUT AND READ for hosting us!